Today’s Adopted Kickstarter Project: Streamin’ Garage

By now, you’ve heard about our Kickstarter for an Oscar® campaign, and if you haven’t, you can learn more here.

Our Campaign to Give Back

Since we don’t believe in asking without giving, we’re working to provide something of real value every day we bug you to join our effort to fund our Academy Award® campaign.

So far we’ve given back some free motion graphics a tip on getting more FB likes for your own Kickstarter projects, and this post with the best blog posts we found, helping us earn $20,000 in just 48 hours.

Today, we want to give back with some specific support for another Kickstarter project the community should know about.

Streamin’ Garage

Mike rotman videographyBrain-child of the gifted, enthusiastic, and enterprising Mike Rotman, home-spun web TV network Streamin’ Garage is run — literally — out of Mike’s garage.

From this no-frills studio, Mike has managed to launch a slew of independent web television that rivals content produced for ten times as much in both production and entertainment value.

Just have a look at Stupid for Movies or Stripped Down Live to get an idea of what Streamin’ Garage pulls off for no money week after week.

In his recent cover-story in Videography magazine Mike said, “”We are leading the charge to be the new network model. You can do this yourself, literally from your garage.”

Still Indie, Still Needs Funding

Like most great indie work out there today, Mike’s been funding all of this himself. And, like another filmmaking duo you know, Mike has turned to Kickstarter to keep Streamin’ Garage alive.

Are We Crazy?

Some people have said it’s just plain dumb to spotlight another Kickstarter campaign while we’re in the middle of our own.

But the fact of the matter is, when it comes to indie production, we’re all in this together.

When Mike succeeds (and he will) it’s not just a win for Streamin’ Garage, but for indies everywhere.

So have a look at the Streamin’ Garage kickstarter campaign, and join us in supporting Mike Rotman — a true indie.