Restrepo Documentarian Tim Hetherington Lived Life His Way

Documentarian and Oscar-nominated co-director of the film Restrepo Tim Hetherington died today in Libya. He was covering the conflict between Muammar Gaddafi’s forces and Libyan rebels.

A Life To Celebrate

There are no words at a time like this.

But as time goes on, it will not be how Tim died, but how he lived, that is remembered.

Tim Lived His Dream

Tim Hetherington lived his life to the fullest, touching many along the way as he pursued his dream: documenting some of the most dangerous, difficult realities on planet earth.

For that dream he put himself in harm’s way in the name of something he probably thought was bigger than him.


In his much-too-short 40 years of life, he lived more than many of us ever will. Doing what he was born to do.

He’s gone much too soon, but he left us while doing what he loved. Chasing the truth, and living his dream. His is a life to celebrate.