Looking for Joke and Biagio reviews and testimonials? Or maybe we’re just doing a little shameless bragging! Below you’ll find quotes from real people we’ve worked with, plus some of the nice things our Twitter followers have said about us.
Maybe you should follow us, too!

Joke and Biagio Reviews From A Few People We’ve Worked With
I cannot stress enough, the greatness of Joke and Biagio, the creators and Executive Producers. The atmosphere of a set almost always trickles down from the top, and Joke and Biagio made the show an absolute joy to work on.”
– James Gunn
Director, Guardians of the Galaxy, Super, Slither from the Scream Queens article in MovieMaker Magazine.
Working with Joke and Biagio changed my life. They believed in my idea, my dream, and me: bolstering my vision, creating a riveting program in less than a year, while staying true to the concept. They might be a Hollywood powerful couple, but they treat you as an equal and always listen to your thoughts and feedback. And now the show has been picked up for a second season on LMN! For that, and so much more, I’m eternally grateful and look forward to making many more programs together.
Suzanne Stratford
Producer, Ghost Inside My Child – BIO, LMN
Joke and Biagio took time out of their schedule multiple times to meet and provide constructive feedback, and we sold our show to MTV.
Travis Bible
Co-Executive Producer, Caged – MTV
It was a great pleasure to have worked with you both, Joke and Biagio. You made it very comfortable for us to be ourselves throughout the process of the production, despite facing our deepest and darkest secrets for the world to see. Allowing us to share our story with the world has changed my life immensely & many others as well. It has truly been a blessing being able to meet and work with you two, and i cannot thank you enough for being not just great producers but great mentors & friends as well. i will never forget how Joke & Biagio helped save my life, Thank you.
TaRodd White
Documentary Subject, MTV True Life Presents
Joke and Biagio Reviews From Twitter
(You can follow us @jokeandbiagio — hope to see you there!)
*drumroll* #Screenwriting Website of the Week: @jokeandbiagio‘s Producing Unscripted! Congrats! http://t.co/Edj3tHZIHn #scriptchat
— Script Magazine (@scriptmag) July 5, 2013
Use & abuse their advice RT @jokeandbiagio: How to Sell Two TV Pilots in 8 Months goo.gl/fb/jb7Tz New post from J&B
— Sheri Candler (@shericandler) April 30, 2013
@jokeandbiagio Hey guys! Let’s do another reality show! They’re more fun than movies!
— James Gunn (@JamesGunn) May 20, 2011
You deserve that kind of success. The two of you provide such a great service for those who want to learn about filmmaking and your genre. https://t.co/VOZpp3D9J7
— David Blaustein (@blaustein) December 2, 2016
@ddmulholland @JokeAndBiagio Pretty amazing resource they created! Anytime anyone asks me about reality tv I point them to Joke and Biagio.
— James Gavsie (@JamesGavsie) February 24, 2015
#FF @jokeandbiagio Because they tell great stories. Have mad talent. And have an adorable new addition to their family. Follow them already!
— ReadWatchWrite (BMJ) (@RWWFilm) October 26, 2012
#FF @jokeandbiagio because they are visionaries who don’t stop giving. This industry would be a better place if there were more like them.
— Richard Lackey (@richlackey) September 2, 2011
do you have an idea for a tv show that you’d like to pitch? check out this phenomenal article by @JokeAndBiagio! http://t.co/WcyZ6CD5Rs
— Jay Howard (@jaylives1) February 24, 2015
@JokeAndBiagio I have to say I enjoy listening to the podcast bc you two are so real and honest and relatable. It’s fun and informative.
— Greg Cherry (@PASensation) August 18, 2015
My most favorite, inspiring read of 2011 by @jokeandbiagio jokeandbiagio.com/mtv-caged-may-… Caged: May I never Forget This Feeling #FF
— Alison Flierl (@2degreesofalie) December 3, 2011
These guys are great!How to Pitch a Reality Show: Ultimate Guide. Get the free eBook here: http://t.co/0P9k3oympu via @jokeandbiagio
— Andy Sherman (@MentalflossAndy) February 25, 2015
This is awesome stuff! Steal This Editing Secret to Edit Film and Video Like a Pro jokeandbiagio.com/editing-secret… via @jokeandbiagio
— A-List BlogMarketing (@AListBlogMarket) October 19, 2011
Could any filmmakers be more generous than @jokeandbiagio? Reading their blog is film school for writers. #scriptchat #screenwriters
— Kelly Anelons (@kellyanelons) August 27, 2011
@JokeAndBiagio I came across your podcast while doing some research and it was exactly what I needed to hear. So thank you!
— Elena Tarrant (@itselenanicole) February 3, 2015
#FF @jokeandbiagio Hollywood Power Producers with interesting blogs, tweets and produced on my favorite reality show, Beauty & The Geek.
— robertcarroll (@robertcarroll) October 2, 2009
Follow them… A new breed in Hollywood… Dear friends of mine as well… Biagio is wicked dangerous with AE and fcp@jokeandbiagio #ff
— Mike J. Nichols (@TheEditDoctor) July 8, 2011
@imadirtyrobber Don’t let @jokeandbiagio fool you. We marvel at their talent & their execution. We are lucky for two seconds w/ them.
— Film Courage (@filmcourage) July 20, 2011
are there more honest & kind people out there than @jokeandbiagio ?!? I say “NO”- How to Make the Move to Hollywood: http://ow.ly/1tiVzb
— Amanda Lin Costa (@TheLoneOlive) May 29, 2011
MORE #FF love: the ever awesome and amazing @jokeandbiagio, if ur not following these peeps, ur missing out on cool insider Hollywood info.!
— Dewi Faulkner (@dewichick) October 2, 2009
#ff Husband & wife producing team who post industry insider tips.If you want to make movies/tv follow @jokeandbiagio #followfriday
— Joeby Gibson (@JoebyGibson) October 2, 2009
#FF If you r in or r aspiring to be in TV production then you should be following @jokeandbiagio. Cool married couple of DIY producers.
— Chris Tonick (@Chris_Tonick) October 2, 2009
#FF @jokeandbiagio The nicest producers I’ve ever had the pleasure of communicating with.
— Nate Orloff (@NateOrloff) October 2, 2009
Amazing experience with @jokeandbiagio here in studio. Our gratitude to you for joining us and to this inspiring couple (FOLLOW THEM)
— Film Courage (@filmcourage) May 1, 2011
#FF the Producers with the… Mostest… @jokeandbiagio – tweets on filmmaking and TV making goodness with personality!
— Corrie Davidson (@corrietweets) November 12, 2010
@jokeandbiagio You guys rock. The only producers I know hat hang out on Twitter :P Cheers! #FF
— Jay Friesen (@jayfriesen) July 23, 2010
My friends @jokeandbiagio think they’re big producers. They do Scream Queens on VH1. Watch them behind scenes. Losers. http://ow.ly/2j2vq
— Brad Wollack (@BradWollack) July 31, 2010
Still reeling from meeting @jokeandbiagio – these two are amazingly smart, talented, and fierce.
— The Finks (@kingisafink) July 28, 2010
FF# @jokeandbiagio These cats are rock solid resources for TV and Film production.They’re just GIVING it away, so why don’t you subscribe?
— Gabriel Novo (@gabrielnovo) October 9, 2009
#ff @jokeandbiagio the NEW Hollywood Power Couple (TV /Film) Producers that are “real” folks who engage – check them:http://bit.ly/2W1mg7
— Bianca Te Rito (@BiancaTeRito) October 9, 2009
It’s official @jokeandbiagio and @larryfong are my heroes.
— Andrew Mayne (@AndrewMayne) June 30, 2010
Just finished interviewing @jokeandbiagio What an amazing couple that are totally live wires full of enthusiasm for creating film content
— David Allen (@wizardgold) October 27, 2009
Want to know the inside story on producing in Hollywood? Follow @jokeandbiagio,talented & generous #FF
— Maria Lokken (@Maria_56) November 13, 2009
RT @jokeandbiagio: Here’s our going away video gift to @james_gunn: Michael Rooker and @rainnwilson go Shootin’: http://bit.ly/21WNRc
— RainnWilson (@rainnwilson) November 13, 2009
(Okay, that last one’s not really a testimonial, but what would you do if Rainn Wilson gave you a retweet?)
More Joke and Biagio reviews coming soon!
Have something you’d like to add to the Joke and Biagio reviews and testimonials page? Hit us up on Twitter – @jokeandbiagio or reach out via our contact form on the Joke Productions site.